Monday, June 29, 2009

One thing i wanna do

Lying down at the side of a lake with close friends . Looking at the dark blue sky with the moon that shone with a silver glow and the stars that shone like fire flies on a tree at night . The lake was calm and still. Fishes in the water were swimming slowly . There was a cool gentle breeze that blew every now and then . Looking at the night sky and talking were what we did through the night . At dawn , we watched the morning sun rise into the sky , walked on the grass covered in morning dew , hugged each other good bye , went on our way , and wishing the night could have last longer . We were all sad that we had to go different ways , and knew that the next time we see each other would be in a long time . But still , we were looking forward to the next time we meet and do something amazing again .

Hmmmmmmmmm......... I wish that I can do something like this with my closet friends , Nigel , Em and Jes.

Maybe someday it will happen .......... p.s this never ever happened , but i wished it happened

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tired day

Yesterday was KK English Drama day 2009 . It was hosted at a school in Inanam. Nigel brought me to go watch it . It started at 8.30 a.m and ended at 5.30pm-6pm . I meet a lot of friends ( from SmAll Saint and St Francis ) and meet up with some old friends from Lok Yuk.Had lots of fun . La Salle won first place and SmAll Saint got second and St Francis got third place . Gratz to Emery for winning best performer . And thanks to Nigel for bringing me to go watch . Left before they announced results . Went home and rest then went out for dinner with Jes and Nigel at city mall pizza hut , we chat and acted crazy and panicked about how to get home . xD hahahahahaah .... Good thing Denise came and joined us and told us that the cross roads were at carcasean, went to meet witht the cross roads and then went to venda blue while they were still playing their game . got home at about 12am. That's all I think .

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Haven't been blogging for awhile now.... Hmm.... Well gonna blog about the past week be prepare this will be very Short .... ahahahah ........
Ok for the past week , I've been to school and youth , went out with friends , went to church , beat Nigel in pokemon , went to play badminton with friends , went jogging , and still trying to move forward .
so yeah that's all for now ... dont feel like blogging for awhile .....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Ideas  from my brother ,Clement , Untouch ( The Veronicas) = Tidak kena Sentuh ,  I hate this part right here ( PussyCat Dolls) = Saya benci bahagian di sini ,  Up (The Saturdays)   = Atas  , When I grow up ( PussyCat Dolls )= Bila Saya sudah Tua , My lips like sugar ( Sugar by Flo Rida ) = Bibirku macam Gula . That's all I think . Will post more when I get funny again xD

English to Malay

These are some of the things that me and my friends thought of changing the names from English to Malay. Transformer = Penukar , Disturbia = Kekacauan / Keganguan , Batman = Lelaki Kelawar/ Orang Kelawar , Spiderman = Lelaki Leabah / Orang Lelabah , Holy Cow! = Lembu Suci !, Spider Pig = Babilelabah , The Day After Tomorrow = Lusa , Ghost Rider = Penunggang Hantu Motosikal Berapi , Holy Shit ! = Berak Suci !. I think that's all ... for now xD . Thanks to Nigel , Kim , Ray , Em for telling me about it hahaha hope u guys had a great time laughing XD . more to come in the near future xD .

Feeling weird

I'm kinda confused right now . I keep getting a weird feeling like some one/poeple likes me not that it's a bad thing but it's coming a from some one i barely know and some are coming from people i just got to know and people I'm close to ..... hmmm.... am I weird or just paranoid ??? 

Monday, June 8, 2009

Youth Camp

Finally back from youth camp , I had great fun in youth camp , i got to meet new friends , got closer with friends , learned more about God and got closer to God.

This post is abit long so if you're going to read it please be prepared xD . Have fun reading . xD 

Day One 
I went to Bongawa Resort for my youth camp on Saturday afternoon , once we I got there , I found out that who my room-mate was and that the room key had a problem , so I had to run to the other side of the resort just to change the room key , after changing it i had to run back to the club (where the hall which my youth was using ) cause we had to prepare somethings ( when i got back , I was sweating like a hippo ... well not like a hippo  but I was sweating alot ) so after we finish preparing , the bus load of youth arrived ( some of the youth including me went early  and in other cars ) . After getting everyone off the bus we took our name tags and went to the rooms which was on the other side of the resort .  Then we went to the hall and the camp commanders told us the rules and took our cellphones, then it was FREE TIME !!!!! I ran back to my room change into my swimming pants , ran to the pool and jumped in . WEEEE!!!!!!!!  So refreshing  after swimming  for 3 hours xD . After showering and changing ,  we all had dinner , hmmm......... nice food . Oh there was  a game called Guardian Angels , where one person had to take care of a person without him/her knowing it (everyone had to play ) . So after dinner the 1st session  . Pastor Sam is quite good at explaining thing so I didn't had a hard thing understanding what he said . Then it was bed time , but who would sleep on the first night of youth camp ? huh? Well of alot of people duh . But our caring Camp Commanders went for parole to check whether we went to sleep . So we had to go to sleep . 

Day Two to Day Three
I woke up at 7 , took a shower and went out for a walk ( for your information , my room-mate was one of the camp commanders ) so I had to let him know I went out . After walking for awhile I went back to my room cause it was almost time for breakfast . xD  Fooddd............... When I went back my room-mate , Bernard , had already woke up , so he was about to go and wake everybody up , that's when i decided to join cause I like making "LOUD" noises xD . So room after room could hear us banging on the door , I think  a few people woke up confused . Ahahahahaha......... After everyone woke up , we had to get into out cell group first before we could eat so I went to my cell members' room and woke them up then we all went to the dining area and prayed for the food and ate . Then session Two started , it was very interesting . I learned alot , After that was GAMES!!! And it was planned and made by our one and only Melvyn Lim .There was 4 teams , team 1 had 15 people , team 2 had 14people , team 3 had 14 people , and team 4 had 14 people ( I think it's like that lah ) . Game 1 everyone had to lie down on their backs and use their legs to hold up a bucket full of water that was used to defrost  chicken meat , and  all the legs must be touching the busket  we could only move 1pair of legs , and we had to take of our shoes/splippers while keeping the busket up in the air and we could only use  our legs no hands to take off the shoes/slippers . That was pretty easy , and your probably wondering why would there be frozen chicken that needs to be defrost right ? Well this is where our chicken comes in Game 2.  Have you heard of the game called Captain Ball , it's a game where 2 teams play and try to score goals , the person that holds the ball cannot run except for turning in his/her spot  , and they have to pass the ball to some one else till the get a goal . But instead of a ball we used raw chicken , ahahahahaha..... it was so funny and fun to play 
first game  team 1 vs 3 , 2 vs 4 . First game team 3 won and team 4 won( my team xD ) So we went and fought team 3 . And for fun team 3 became Barcelona , and my Team became M.U  , and we beat barcelona 3 to 0 .And the funny thing is for all the games , the chicken will end up in 2 pieces at the end of the game . ahahahahahahah ....... After games was free time so some people went and play football while other's (like me ) went swimming again xD , had so much fun . Oh yeah forgotten that lunch was before the games . xD . Okay after swimming , shower , changed , ate dinner , session 3 , learned alot ,rededicated my like to God . Then after session end , we had cell in our cell leader's room . Finish came out , look for friends , found them , and sat with them in the middle of some hallway I think  . Then we started talking , and asking questions and talking , laughing and this continued untill it was 3 am when camp commander Patrick came and told us to go to sleep . I couldn't sleep so i went to my room took my Cup Noodles and went to my friends' room watch spiderwick and ate my maggie . The movie ended at 4 am so they wanted to sleep so i went out and walked around for awhile then went back to my room at 4 45 am . my friends and I wanted to watch the sun rise so but we got kicked back to our rooms so we said that we would meet at the hall way at 5.30 am so ok lah I went ti my room crawled into bed then look at the ceiling .... bad idea ..... I slept and i didn't go watch the sunrise .... well what to do ? ahahah so i woke up early around 7 something i think and went for a walk then i found my friends and we countinued talking . Then breakfast time , then last session , then lunch then came back to kk .Ahhh......... oh and we found out who our Guardian Angels were . so every one was a bit shocked too hahaha................. well that's all for now . Am really happy I went , meet new friends , got closer with friends ( finally being able to tell the difference between my friend and his brother , xD haahhaha ) , learned alot , grew closer with God and alot more ..... As for the pictures , will try to get them from Eleni , the person holding the camera for the whole youth camp .. well that's all for now .

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Youth camp is 3 days away !! Can't wait for it at the same time I wish that my retarded siblings wasn't going as well........ i know i sound mean but seriously if you had siblings like mine you probably don't want them to go to the same youth camp as you .... I think my siblings are also thinking the same thing =.=......... How I wish I was already  studying in uni or somewhere away from them .......... And I think that my siblings already know that I don't really like them and I would be happy to be far away from them ....... hahaha I sound mean but I'm pissed right now and i don't want to start an argument with any of them so I thought about blogging . So yeah ............. People at Adren's birthday party would know how I would react if any of my siblings got shot . xD hahahahahaha...... still can remember what happened ............. My friends were playing mafia , I wasn't playing , so when the narrator / game master  said that my brother got killed , I was like OH YEAH !!!!! showing the the rock and roll hand thing  don't know why I did that but it was hillarious . xD hahahahahahahaha......... well that's all for now , cooled down abit but still pissed at my sister .....